Foods That Can Save Your Heart

You already know that butter and bacon are foods to bypass when mentioning heart healthy foods. Increase intake of fruits and veggies is a good way to improve heart health. Recent research reveals most heart healthy delicious picks that are surprisingly healthy to cardiovascular system.
 a medium potato contains 188 calories and is a good source of filling fiber. Potatoes are also rich in potassium and calcium, two important element s that lower the blood. Mashed, roasted or baked potato recipe is a simple and avoidable side dish that will boost your cardiovascular perks.
Chocolate contains cocoa flavanols. Consuming dark chocolate worth of 750 calories or 5800calories of milk chocolate, has a protective heart benefit —reduce inflammation of the heart, help to lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular functioning.  The level of cocoa flavanol varies widely in chocolate brands. 70 calories (5 ½ tablespoon) of unsweetened cocoa powder contain 750mg of cocoa flavanols which have a great heart health benefits.
 Canola Oil  
Canola oil like the Olive oil — the best known heart healthy compare to butter, contain 93% monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. It contain relatively low amount of saturated fat. Resent research reveals that, Canola oil tends to reduce the risk for heart disease when used in place of saturated fat. It has a neutral taste and a light texture which makes it suitable for baking, grilling and sauteening
 Whole Grain
Adding whole grain in place of refined grains strongly lowers cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and insulin levels in the blood thereby reduces the risk of heart failure. Substituting whole-wheat bread for white bread or brown rice for white rice.  Studies show that women who ate two to three servings of whole grain products — bread and cereals every day were 30% likely to have a heart attack or die from cardiovascular disease over ten year period than women who ate less than one serving per week. For nutritious high fiber choose whole grain like barley, oats, instant oatmeal, semolina or a sodium free cereal like Post Shredded Wheat.
Fresh Herbs
Fresh Herbs—sage, thyme, rosemary and oregano contain antioxidants which will make other foods heart-healthy. Replacing sugar trans-fats and salt with fresh herbs along sides with berries, coffee and nuts, can be part of heart-wise eating.
Black beans
Canned black beans are packed with nutrients such as magnesium, folate and antioxidant, rich in fibre, which greatly regulate the level of sugar in the blood and cholesterol. Always rinse to remove extra sodium.
Red wine
Two antioxidant in red wine includes Catechins and Resveratrol help to protect artery walls. If you take maximum of two cup of red wine. Alcohol has negative effect on people taking aspirin.
Olive Oil (Extra Virgin)
Olive Virgin Oil is made from the first press of olives. It is a good source of unsaturated fats. Is also rich in antioxidants which is polyphenols. Polyphenols help protect our blood vessels. You can use a little for salads or with bread.
