Facts and Benefits Of Drinking Water

About 75 percent of the body mass of human beings is due to water. Water makes up a large part of protoplasm. It is required for metabolic activities in the body of humans, i.e substances must be in a dissolved form before they can react. It is also important in the transportation of substances such as digested food substances, excretory products, and hormones. Furthermore, all enzymes need a watery medium to work in. Water plays an important part in the regulation of body temperature. 
How much water you need depends on many factors ranging from age to the environment you find yourself.
Several studies have revealed that drinking water helps in weight loss. As you drink water people tend to take in fewer calories thereby reducing the process of adding up pounds.
You lose almost 10 cups of water every day just living. Eating and drinking make it up. You can be easily dehydrated especially in hot weather. Drinking water too fast will stimulate urination and later result in less hydration..........Check more on This 
