Caffeine in Your Body — What You Must Know

Keeps You Alert

Caffeine improves your mood and energy and makes you even more alert. This could usually be of help, particularly in the early morning hours or when you are planning to get some things done. Though your body doesn't store it, caffeine can affect you for up to 6 hours after you swallow it. But more is not always better. Too much can push you over the line from alert to jittery and anxious.

Interferes With Sleep

Excess of caffeine makes it difficult to jerk off when you go to sleep at night. Even moderate portions can cause sleeplessness in certain folks, especially if you have it too close to bedtime. The effects may be worse as you age. Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening if you notice it affects your sleep. And remember, it's not just in tea and coffee. It's also in chocolate, energy drinks, and other prepackaged foods and drinks.

Raises Heart Rate

Caffeine is a stimulant and could speed up your heartbeat a little,since it wakes you up. For most folks that's not a problem. But if you have too much caffeine or you're overly sensitive, your pulse may go up an excessively or stay high too long. It may even feel like your heart beats in a weird rhythm, sometimes called heart palpitations. Some individuals say it feels as though their ticker skips a beat.

Causes a Headache

Your body build up tolerance for caffeine when you have it daily. Then, without your daily dose, you might get a "rebound" headache. It might be worse in the event that you quit coffee completely and all at one time. Your head feels better if you reduce caffeine a little at a time.

Makes You Urinate More

Caffeine is a diuretic, which simply means you pee more. Around 300 milligrams of caffeine -- the total amount in three cups of coffee -- is enough to do it if you're not used to it. Water loss is minor and is unlikely to make you dehydrated long as you are otherwwill bee healthy. This effect may reduce in the event that you get the same regular daily dose of caffeine as you build up tolerance.

Boosts Sports Performance

caffeine can help you do better with less pain in sport activities like biking, running or swimming. It seems to work best in a nonliquid form, just like a pill, taken about an hour before you exercise which means that your body can absorb it completely. Around 200 to 400 milligrams (2 to 4 glasses of coffee) should do it. A lot more than that doesn't seem to help further.

Boost Recovery From Workout

Some studies show that caffeine can help speed your body recovery after a workout by reproducing glycogen. It will get this done best if you mix it with carb foods. Make sure you don't overdo the caffeine, it may do otherwise on your recovery and even performance if it disrupt your sleep.

Raises Blood Pressure

Caffeine can raise your blood pressure for a short while and sometimes over the long term as well. The cause is not clear yet, It could be that it blocks a hormone that keeps your arteries wide and pressure down. Or it might cause your body to release more adrenaline, a hormone that raises blood pressure. Talk to your doctor about how much caffeine you can take when you have high blood pressure or heart-related problems.

Prevent Disease

Caffeine seems to help prevent medical challenges shuch as inflamation and gallstones, among other medical problems. Some studies show that regular caffeine will help keep away certain neurological diseases, like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Huntington's, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy. More research is needed to confirm it.

Affects Menopause

At age 50 women get to the end of their montly flow. Caffeine can worsen hot flashes—a sudden body heat and sweats, that frequently occur at menopause. The symptoms can go on for like 10 years or even more. Your doctor can assit you with hormone therapy if they have a better understanding of your daily routine.

caffeine in your body


How Much Caffeine Is Safe

This always depends on your health status, diet, weight, diet, and medications. 400 milligrams of caffeine a day is good for most adults. When you go over 600 milligrams is most likely to have a negative effect on your health. Though some people are just more sensitive to it. When you notice rapid heart rate, stomach upsets, fatigue, headaches, or muscle breakdown, it is time to cut back. If you are pregnant or have heart problems, talk to your doctor about how much will be safe.
