Vitamin D — 8 Impressive Benefits of Sunlight

Sunlight is the ultimate source of energy on earth. Without it, life on earth is not possible. Human skin could make many vitmain D when exposed to the sunlight. Spending a few minutes every day out in the sunshine can provide you with a range of health benefits. It can also improve our mood and make us energetic. In fact, ancient Greeks used sunlight as a form of therapy called ‘heliosis’. Today, sunlight therapy is practiced in the west too and is known as ‘heliotherapy’.

Let us look at 8 amazing benefits of being in sunlight:

Cure seasonal affective disorder

Sunlight triggers the release of serotonin, which is an essential neurotransmitter responsible for controlling our feelings of happiness and well-being.

Inadequate exposure to sunlight can dip our overall serotonin levels. This can lead to a disorder called seasonal affective disorder(SAD). People with Seasonal affective disorder often go into seasonal depression.

Improve the Health of Your Bones

Frequent exposure to sunlight helps to increase the Vitamin D levels in your body. Vitamin D3 helps your body to absorb essential minerals like calcium and phosphorous which are needed to form strong bones in our body.

Low levels of vitamin D in your body during childhood can stunt the growth of a child. It can lead to several bone-related diseases like osteoporosis and osteomalacia. There is also an increased risk of fracture from an impact.

Improves your immune system

Studies have shown that regular exposure to medium intensity sunlight can give a boost to your immune system. A healthy immune system can protect you from various types of infections and pathogens.

Vitamin D
Source : Harvard Health

Improve the quality of our sleep

A hormone known as melatonin is responsible for your sleep cycles. Exposure to sunlight prevents the production of melatonin during the day. This leads to more efficient production of melatonin during night-time which helps to sleep better at night.

Prevent various skin infections

Too much sunlight can be bad for your skin due to the effects of ultraviolet radiation. However, dermatologists have found that moderate exposure to sunlight can actually prevent various skin related illnesses like eczema, psoriasis, and acne.

Reduces the risk of cancer

Excess time under sunlight can lead to skin cancer. However, research has found that optimal exposure to sunlight can prevent several conditions like colon cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer. This is all due to the effects of vitamin D.

Reduces blood pressure

A research conducted by the University of Edinburgh has found that exposure to sunlight can trigger the release of nitric oxide into our bloodstream. Nitric oxide is known to lower your blood pressure. Thus, if you suffer from high blood pressure or hypertension, spending a few minutes in the sun every day can help you to manage it.

Improve the health of your brain

Research has found that sunlight can have a positive effect on the health of your brain. Regular exposure to sunlight can help us to remain calm and controls the circadian cycle of our body. This protects us from excess stress and also protects us from neuro degenerative diseases. 

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